Biography Reference Source
Biographies, obituaries, and photographs of individuals both living and deceased, updated monthly. Searchable by time period, profession, place of origin, or birth and death dates.
Biographies, obituaries, and photographs of individuals both living and deceased, updated monthly. Searchable by time period, profession, place of origin, or birth and death dates.
Accurate, complete, detailed DIY repair and service information for any make and model of car, truck, van or SUV. Diagnostics, maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, and step-by-step repair procedures.
Research before you buy with trusted, unbiased product reviews and ratings for cars, appliances, electronics, and more.
Access the many databases, interfaces and eResources provided by EBSCO.
Magazines, journals, books, and videos for students in grades K-5 and their teachers, ideal for reports and class projects.
Easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world's leading magazines and reference books for personal and professional research.
Designed for students in grades 6-12 and their teachers, provides articles from journals and books to use as sources for homework and school projects.
Reference eBook collection searchable by subject. Includes Arts, Biography, Business, History, Literature, Religion, Science, Technology, General Reference and more.
In-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics in the humanities, social sciences, and science.
World Book has created an expanded distance learning resource page, with tips, tutorials and activities. For the month of April, they have added additional subscriptions to Ohio's collection, including eBooks, a craft/activity resource, and additional science and social studies portals.
A catalog of 2 billion items held by libraries all over the world. Start here to verify the existence of a title or to look up the output of an author.
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BiblioWeb: webapp05 Version 4.24.0 Last updated 2024/12/10 09:37