Federal depository resources are available and usable for all library customers regardless of library affiliation, disability, age, residency, or other customer status. Any member of the general public may use depository resources in all formats at a Federal depository library free of charge and without impediments.
The Dayton Metro Library (DML) has been a federal depository institution since 1909. The government information collection at the Dayton Metro Library offers a core collection and specialized government documents including the US Government Manual, Federal Register, CIA World Fact Book, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, census information, and more. The Dayton Metro Library selects materials in both electronic and paper format.
The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) is the finding tool for electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government. The CGP contains descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides links to those that are available online.
Search the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, opens a new window
The Government Printing Office’s Government Information System (formally FDsys) provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
Search GovInfo, opens a new window
Please use the links below to access important United States Government Information.
- Assistance Listings, opens a new window
- Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids, opens a new window
- Budget of the United States Government
- Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Compilation of Presidential Documents
-, opens a new window
- Congressional Record
- Constitution of the United States: Analysis
- Economic Indicators, opens a new window
- Economic Report of the President, opens a new window
- Federal Register
- Occupational Outlook Handbook, opens a new window
- Public Papers of the Presidents, opens a new window
- Social Security Handbook, opens a new window
- United States Code, opens a new window
- United States Reports, opens a new window
- United States Statutes at Large, opens a new window
-, opens a new window
- World Factbook, opens a new window
Federal depository resources are available and usable for all library customers regardless of library affiliation, disability, age, residency, or other customer status. Any member of the general public may use depository resources in all formats at a Federal depository library free of charge and without impediments.