Who are the Friends of the Library?
We are people who love our Library! We provide support to the Dayton Metro Library system through fundraising and programming assistance. We believe that Libraries are a key part of our community, enabling people of all ages and from all walks of life to engage with information, education, and creativity!
Becoming a Member
It's easy! Choose the membership level you prefer and complete the registration form found here, opens a new window. Alternatively, membership dues can be mailed or dropped off at the Main Library, 215 E. Third Street Dayton, OH 45402.
Our fundraising helps the Library continue to offer a wide range of activities in these tough economic times. The programs we support touch the lives of a broad range of age groups across all the communities served by the Dayton Metro Library system. A few examples of those programs are:
- The Summer Challenge: 10 weeks of activities, literature, art, hands-on learning and fun for everyone in the family
- The Social Justice Speaker Series: A series is comprised of unique, award-winning and professional speakers that discuss some of the most critical social justice issues of today.
- The Executive Directors Author Series: Thought-provoking discussion with best-selling authors, such as Brendan Slocumb, author of The Violin Conspiracy and SYMPHONY OF SECRETS.
- Tiny Stacks: Reimagining music in the stacks, this initiative aims to connect musicians, books, and patrons to engage in the rich, diverse musical talents on the Dayton area.
Friends of the Dayton Metro Library Booksales feature books for children, teens, and adults, as well as music, movies, and audiobooks. All materials are $1.00 each. Additionally, all audio/video material are buy one, get three free.
Friends of the Library will accept cash, credit, or check payments. Customers must be able to load their purchases (Friends and volunteers will not be able to load or lift any items). Items cannot be held - everything must be picked up that day.
All proceeds of the sale will benefit Friends of the Library.
The Friends of the Dayton Metro Library book sales will be paused in 2025 due to Library capacity constraints. If you have any questions please reach out to DML Staff Liaison, Lauren Tappel at ltappel@daytonmetrolibrary.org or 937-496-8587.
Have questions?
To learn more about the Friends of the Library, you can reach out to the Dayton Metro Library staff liaison, Lauren Tappel, at 937.496.8587 or email ltappel@daytonmetrolibrary.org