Dayton Metro Library Foundation

Make an Impact - Donate Today

Enhance the Library’s excellence and ensure the Library is open for generations to come.

The Dayton Metro Library Foudation

About the Foundation

The DML Foundation was established to enhance the Library’s excellence. The Foundation Directors have committed to raising the necessary funding to expand the Library’s strategic partnerships and facilitate nimble responses to community needs.

Make a Difference, Donate!

Your gift supports the delivery of important programs, services, and resources to people across the community. Gifts at any level are gratefully accepted and will support the Foundation's strategic initiatives. All donations to the Dayton Metro Library Foundation are tax-deductible.

A new book, “Reimagining Works,” features the 64 works of public art commissioned for the new Dayton Metro libraries to reflect the communities served across Montgomery County. It features a history of the Reimagining Works project, photos of both the museum artifacts and new art, and quotes from the artists. The “Reimagining Works” book can now be acquired through a donation of $50.00 or more to the Dayton Metro Library Foundation.

What is the focus of the Foundation?

The Foundation will financially support the Library in the following areas:

Enhanced Education

College Career & Workforce Development




Enhanced Education

College Career & Workforce Development




Foundation Board of Directors

Justin Bell

Donerik Black
City of Dayton Human Relations Council

Amanda Burks

Tonya Casey
Premier Health Partners

Demarus Crawford-White

Shannon Cox
Montgomery Co. Educational Service Center


Adrienne Daniels
(Vice President)
Shook Construction

Kjirsten Frank Hoppe
Wright-Patterson AFB

Yvette Kelly-Fields
Miami University

Sierra Leone
Signature Educational Solutions

Moses Mbeseha
The Conscious Connect, Inc.


Yvette Kelly-Fields
Miami University

Sierra Leone
Signature Educational Solutions

Valerie Lewis Coleman
Pen of the Writer

Moses Mbeseha
The Conscious Connect, Inc.

Jon Miller
Dayton Children's Hospital

Karen Philips
Chase Bank, Retired

Paul Robinson
(Events Chair)

Kellie Schneider
The Foodbank, Inc.

Jeffrey Trzeciak
(Ex Officio)
Dayton Metro Library

Mackensie Wittmer
National Aviation Heritage Area

Erin Velasquez
PNC Bank

David Yarborough
PNC Bank


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The basic information you need to include the DML Foundation as a beneficiary of retirement plans, life insurance, and/or investment accounts is:

Dayton Metro Library Foundation
215 E Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Tax Identification Number: 35-2511884

Learn more about how DML Foundation is responsible with your donation by reviewing our Impact Report, opens a new window, visiting Guidestar, opens a new window, or viewing our recent 990, opens a new window.

To learn more about the Foundation, you can reach out to the Dayton Metro Library staff liaison, Lauren Tappel, at 937.496.8587 or email

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