Meet Paris!

Paris’s volunteering journey began as many of our teen volunteer stories do. As a student at DECA, she was required to complete a minimum of 100 volunteer hours before graduation. Following in her brother’s footsteps, she decided to volunteer with Dayton Metro Library at the West Branch. She tried a variety of opportunities and found her comfort zone at the Northwest Branch helping with their Teen Hangout program.

Where Paris differs from most teens is that she has continued volunteering, despite hitting her school requirement, because she enjoys the experience. When asked what she enjoys most about it, she stated that she likes the people she gets to work with and enjoys interacting with groups of people that she would not normally in her day-to-day life. Paris also believes that volunteering is a great learning opportunity that has helped her learn how to collaborate with others and to get along with people who may have differing views and values.

Outside of her volunteer work, Paris is a bit of a homebody. In her spare time, she goes for walks and experiments with different painting styles and techniques. She has a puppy named RJ that she enjoys spending time with, even though he drives her nuts. Though she enjoys the Fall season the most, she does look forward to her family’s annual trip to the beach. However, that was placed on hold this year because of RJ coming into the family.

Paris looks forward to continuing her volunteering at the Library. She cannot wait to hear what the teens at Northwest will decide to debate over next and eagerly looks forward to spending quality time playing games with others within the Library setting. She encourages others to come and see for themselves how fun volunteering can be, especially if you are patient and find the right opportunity for you!