Jenny and Marti love to give back to their community.
It began during the pandemic. Dayton Metro Library paused most volunteer (and patron) opportunities with only limited hours of curbside service. That curbside service was not only for Library books. In 2020, all DML locations were distributing a week’s worth of meal kits for families with children as part of the Children’s Hunger Alliance Meal Distribution. Marti read about the need for volunteers to help the Library with food distribution in the Dayton Daily News. Meanwhile, Jenny was concerned that the pandemic and school closures would disrupting kids’ access to a daily lunch or meal and she wanted to help. Then she saw the Hunger Alliance opportunity on Miamisburg City Schools’ social media.
The partnership with Children’s Hunger Alliance eventually switched to a weekly partnership with The Foodbank, Inc., but the volunteer support at Miamisburg was unchanged. Marti and Jenny made the pivot right alongside staff to learn a new process and new protocols as emergency food kits became available to anyone 18 or older, with or without children. Jenny saw someone from the food program recently while out on a walk and said hello. Like so many volunteer opportunities, Library volunteers feel a stronger connection to their community. Both have consistently, week after week, helped with The Foodbank, Inc. Pantry Partner Program at the Miamisburg Branch.
According to Marti, “It’s a lot of fun. We have a great time!”
Jenny says that, “Volunteering allows me to meet people I wouldn’t have met before and it’s fun!”
Jenny considers herself a heavy Library user and uses her volunteer day to check out books/Library material. She has also started volunteering with other programming at the Miamisburg Branch, such as All Abilities Adventure, a new program designed for adult patrons with disabilities. Marti has also helped assemble Take and Make Kits during the pandemic and helps out at Friends of the Library Book Sales.
By volunteering on a regular basis, Marti and Jenny learn about things they might miss otherwise - not just at the Library, but in the community at large!
When they are not at the Library, Marti enjoys gardening and traveling. Her favorite place is Maine. She reads biographies and mysteries and has one dog. Jenny loves gardening and has shared her produce with the pantry. She enjoys walking, hiking, knitting, and completing puzzles. She reads anything really, but she especially enjoys thriller mysteries. She has two dogs and a cat.
Dayton Metro Library greatly appreciates this dedicated duo at the Miamisburg Branch! Jenny and Marti joined the volunteer program in 2020 and have a combined total of 480 hours of service (and counting)!
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