1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 BOOKS

Before Kindergarten

1000 BOOKS

Before Kindergarten

The Goal: Read 1,000 books with your child before they start kindergarten.

That may seem like a big number, but you’ll be surprised how quickly the stories add up. Reading a few books before bedtime, books read at the library and school, listening to audiobooks or Dial-a-Story, even reading that same favorite book over and over, they all count, and you’ll be reaching milestones before you know it!

You can read any book. If you read 1 book a day, you will have read 365 books in a year. That’s 730 books in two years and 1,095 in three years. Most children start kindergarten around the age of five, so you have more time than you think to read 1,000 books.

To help you get started and make it exciting, Dayton Metro Library is offering a small prize at key milestones (250, 500, 750 and 1,000 books). Simply register for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge in Beanstack (online or in person at any branch) and start reading. Track your progress with a paper tracker, the Beanstack app, or online, opens a new window. Prizes can be picked up at any Dayton Metro Library.

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Explore our Early Literacy webpage to learn about the wide range of services and resources we provide to help your little one grow and learn through those critical early years of development.

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Thank you Dolly Parton!

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio mails kids one free book each month until their 5th birthday. All Ohio children between birth and age 5 is eligible for the program, which is available at no cost to families.

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New stories each month - Free at 937.250.7500!

Press 1 for Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms by Julia Rawlinson
Press 2 for First Notes of Spring by Jessica Kulekjian
Press 3 for Lucky Tucker by Leslie McGuirk
Press 4 for I Will Dance by Nancy Bo Flood
Press 5 for Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn
Press 6 for Lola planta un jardín  Escrito por Anna McQuinn

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